The Deep Plane Facelift Approach

The deep plane facelift technique that Dr. Frankel uses avoids excessive tension on the skin. The incisions are all hidden, and nearly invisible once healed.

In addition, Dr. Frankel uses a specialized surgical glue that allows the avoidance of surgical drains after surgery, which patients find uncomfortable.

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Benefits of the Deep Plane Facelift in Cleveland

  • Achieves an improved, natural-looking result that doesn’t look overdone
  • Longest-lasting facelift technique
  • Less risk of scarring or complications
  • Prevents future signs of aging when done in younger patients
  • Patients are less likely to need a revision facelift

What Makes the Deep Plane Technique Different?

True to its name, the deep plane facelift is different than the traditional facelift because it goes deeper.

While a traditional facelift only lifts the skin of the face, a deep plane facelift removes and repositions the skin, muscles, and fat compartments as a single unit. 

Because aging can still occur below the skin, it’s better to address both the skin and the underlying network. A deep plane facelift in Cleveland also repositions the tissues instead of pulling on them, which results in a more natural-looking outcome. Furthermore, results from a deep plane facelift are more long-lasting, as the procedure goes deeper.

Deep Plane Facelift Incisions and Lifting Process Explained

Discover where the incisions are made, how the face is lifted, and the benefits over traditional facelifts. Whether you are considering a facelift or are just curious about the latest in cosmetic surgery, get an insightful overview of this innovative procedure.

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What Happens During the Surgery?

A deep plane facelift is performed with the patient under monitored anesthesia care/twilight sedation, and typically takes 3-5 hours. Dr. Frankel will create incisions at the hairline that reach around the ears. From here, the skin will be raised to give Dr. Frankel access to the underlying muscles. He will lift and release the skin, fat, and muscles from the tissues, and reposition the unit to a higher placement. For patients with excess tissue of the neck, Dr. Frankel will also perform a deep neck lift to adequately sculpt underlying tissue to restore and improve the neckline. Once the surgery is complete, the patient’s face will be dressed with surgical wrappings to help with healing.

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Dr. Frankel's Expert Approach to the Deep Plane Facelift

deep plane facelift illustrationafter deep plane facelift in cleveland with Dr. Frankel
Before                                                    After

The yellow circles illustrate the facial fat pads, which gradually descend with age, leading to more pronounced nasolabial folds, marionette lines, jowl formation, and increased facial laxity. A Deep Plane Facelift addresses these concerns by repositioning the soft tissues to a more youthful, vertical orientation.

When necessary, the buccal fat pad (blue circle) is carefully reduced to enhance cheek contour and definition. The deep plane entry point (indicated by the dark blue dotted line) marks the transition to deeper facial structures. At this point, the "mobile SMAS" (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) is elevated and repositioned.

Unlike traditional facelifts, which attempted to lift the "fixed SMAS" near the ear with limited and less natural results, the Deep Plane Facelift provides significant rejuvenation without the "pulled tight" look often associated with older techniques. 

Recovery and Results

A deep plane facelift is designed to result in minimal tissue damage near the surface of the skin, which means patients develop less bruising and bleeding. However, those who undergo a deep plane facelift will need a longer recovery period for the deeper tissue layers. On average, at least two weeks is required for deep plane facelift recovery. The exact amount of time your recovery takes will depend on your specific medical history, how your body heals, and if you had other procedures done along with the deep plane facelift. 

You will experience some swelling and bruising, and will need to wear a compression garment for about one week. Light exercise can be resumed after two weeks, and more intense exercise can be resumed at four weeks. Results from a deep plane facelift last longer than any other kind of facelift (10-15 years). Early results can be seen as soon as the dressings are removed; however, final results won’t become apparent for approximately three months as the tissues adapt and settle. The deep plane facelift achieves the most natural-looking results of any facelift, leaving almost no sign at all of “work being done”. The skin isn’t pulled, and the outcome is simply a refreshed, improved appearance.  

Extended Deep Plane Facelift

The extended deep plane facelift technique is done to treat the underlying causes of facial aging.  It can be defined by the release of the facial and cervical retaining ligaments. This allows for more significant redraping of the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) and platysma.

In addition to treating skin laxity, it is more effective than any other lift in improving nasolabial folds, jowls, marionette lines, and restoring cheek volume. 

The rejuvenation effects on the neck and jawline look more natural and have more longevity. An added bonus of this technique is increased definition in the jawline, which is oftentimes obscured by the bunching that happens with SMAS techniques.

Another unique attribute of this procedure is the direction in which the face is lifted. Traditional facelifts tighten the face horizontally, causing a stretching effect in the face and making the cheeks look flat. They can also give the mouth corners and eyes a "pulled" look. 

The extended deep place facelift avoids tension on the skin, preventing the “pulled” look and allowing for optimal healing of incisions, minimal scarring.  Releasing the retaining ligaments and repositioning of the deeper facial structures allows for a longer duration and more natural results.

This technique can create a more natural appearance, restore the cheeks, and lift the corners of the mouth to a more youthful position. 

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How Much Does a Deep Plane Facelift Cost?

A deep plane facelift procedure can cost anywhere from $15,500 to $17,500. As with most surgical procedures, these figures are ultimately affected by the complexity of the procedure, how long the procedure will take to perform, additional procedures, and the type of anesthesia used. During the private consultation, patients will receive more information regarding the cost of the procedure. 

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Dr. Frankel: Premier Surgeon for Facelift

With facelift procedures as a primary service, Frankel Facial Plastic Surgery is the premier center for facial plastic surgery in Cleveland. Dr. Jonathan Frankel is double board-certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, and his education and extensive training specifically in facial plastic surgery allow him to deliver consistent and exceptional results. His goal is never to make patients look like someone else — only a better version of themselves. He provides excellent results at a good value, and offers a patient-centered environment with concierge-type service that makes patients feel heard and understood. 

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